Why You Need a Realtor When Buying
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First off, please know that you can buy a house without a real estate agent. This decision comes with limitations though.

  • Your home selection will be very limited; likely limited to “For Sale By Owner” (FSBO).
  • Many home owners that are selling FSBO don’t advertise all in one spot. Some may advertise online (various websites), some in the newspaper, some via flyers, and some not even at all. So finding FSBOs could be challenging in its own right.
  • Given the premise of FSBO, sellers are trying to maximize their proceeds; you will likely find that FSBO asking prices are a bit higher than homes listed for sale by real estate agents.
  • Lastly, and maybe most importantly, it will be very difficult (if not impossible) to determine true, fair market value on the property without having access to tangible, real-time market data that a Realtor® can provide.

As a Buyer in the state of Minnesota, you pay ZERO dollars to have professional representation by a Realtor®. You see, the seller, not the buyer, pays for the commission for both real estate agents in a transaction (i.e. the Buyer’s Agent and the Seller’s Agent). So since the price is right for a Buyer’s Agent, why not have a professional help you?

So taking things one step at a time here, there are a few things to consider before racing out of the door. Much like any contractor that you hire, you should “qualify” Realtors in order to select the best fit for you and your goals.

  • Ask for referrals from your friends, family or coworkers.
  • Interview at least 3 different agents to learn of their experience and skillsets.
  • Are the agents active in the area in which you are looking to purchase?
  • Are any of the agents willing to provide a past and current client reference?

As I tell students who attend my real estate seminars, nothing can replace feeling comfortable, open and honest around the real estate agent that you choose. Buying a home is an emotional voyage, and candid & prompt communication is necessary to keep the process on track. Lastly, try to see through the fog screen to determine if the agent is genuinely interested in helping you find the best home possible for you, or if you see them already calculating their paycheck in their mind when speaking with them!